Vision, Mission, Aims

Vision: Excellence in all aspects of moving and handling







To develop and promote standards for moving and handling people and inanimate loads through information dissemination, evidence-based practice, and support for NBE Members and the wider community. 

National Back Exchange, referred to as “NBE”, is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (Charity number: 1202540). It is run on a voluntary basis by a National Board of Trustees elected from the membership.

NBE’s vision for “Excellence in all aspects of moving and handling” is supported with aims and objectives to reflect the growing recognition and significance of its work.

The charity consults widely with other organisations having similar goals and actively contributes to national working parties and projects as well as supporting research and practice development.


To collaborate with professional organisations, industry, and academic bodies to promote excellence in all aspects of moving and handling. 


  • To host educational events (like webinars) and an annual conference
  • To publish a digital journal "Column" and a newsletter
  • To produce educational publications and resources, including NBE Standards of Practice
  • To maintain a web-based community membership forum


We unite professionals from various fields, including:

  • Health and Social Care
  • Therapies
  • Education
  • Occupational Health
  • Safety
  • Ergonomics
  • Industry

NBE offers a professional development pathway to Advanced Membership enhancing professionalism and recognition with no extra cost for active members. The development of an Advanced Membership category (similar to a post graduate diploma) in 2006 has increased the professionalism and recognition of personnel engaged in this field. Advanced membership applicants must have an active NBE membership to be eligible to apply.

Networking and support of our members is facilitated by an interactive website and membership engagement platform, including a membership directory, and links with organisations who share similar goals (both at home and abroad). NBE has a number of local affiliated groups, known as Associates of NBE, located throughout the UK which run meetings on a regular basis. Associates of NBE are an excellent way to promote networking, to share and disseminate information and support members at a local level.

‘Column’, the journal of NBE, provides a valuable means of communication and is supported by web-based members’ forums where topics can be freely discussed and advice sought.

Since 1992 NBE has run a highly respected and successful residential conference in September for people with an interest in manual handling.

NBE also provides a number of resources to support and develop practice including a series of information leaflets and professional publications.

Membership Benefits

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