Five Mobility Announces Renewal of NBE Corporate Partnership for 2 Years

NBE is delighted to announce that Five Mobility has renewed its Platinum Corporate Partnership with NBE and extended the term to two years.

Greg Wingate – Sales Director from Five Mobility comments,

"We are thrilled to renew our platinum partnership with the National Back Exchange. As the first company to join as a corporate partner, we have seen firsthand the invaluable impact of their work in promoting back care and best practices.

"Our continued commitment underscores our dedication to supporting the Moving & Handling community, by working together to improve patient handling practices through knowledge sharing, case studies, innovative equipment and practical training.

"We look forward to our continued collaboration with members and partners to enhance safety and wellbeing for both patients and healthcare professionals, removing any barriers to a safe and inclusive care environment."


Jenny Lowrey, NBE Sponsorship Manager added on behalf of the National Back Exchange,

"This renewal and extension of corporate membership is of particular significance to NBE. We cannot help but be thrilled that our very first Corporate Partners, Five Mobility, have not only renewed their Platinum Partnership with us but have chosen to extend the term to the maximum offered two years.

It speaks volumes that having experienced Corporate Partnership firsthand, Five Mobility can see the value of engaging the NBE membership through the partnership, providing support for NBE's mission to lead the way in moving and handling through true collaboration of expertise from the wider moving and handling community.

Thank you Five Mobility!"


Visit the Five Mobility Corporate Partner page HERE.