Arjo host webinars on the benefits of driving ergonomic policies and principles

Following a successful start to the series, Arjo will host four further MOVE webinars looking at how healthcare providers can realise financial, operational and clinical outcomes by driving ergonomic policies and principles.

Each webinar is led by international experts in mobility and ergonomics and offers exclusive access to a peer reviewed clinical paper.

The first webinar looked at exploring the evidence and ergonomic standards impacting caregiver injury reduction, and you can view it one demand here.


The next four webinars will be as follows:

June 28: Minimising risk and maximising outcomes

Speakers - Hanneke Knibbe and Nico Knibbe

Understanding the health and efficiency risks at your facility – and building an attainable strategy to mitigate them


September 6: Environment and equipment interventions

Speakers - Hanneke Knibbe and Mary Matz

Environment and equipment interventions – The essential elements to design a work environment that facilitates best practice – for the near and far future


October 18: Implementing ergonomic strategies

Speakers - Nico Knibbe and Lisette Schoonhoven

Implementing ergonomic strategies –  Driving cultural change and sustaining a culture of high quality work

December 13: The bottom-line benefits of an ergonomics program

Speakers - Hanneke Knibbe and Nico Knibbe

The bottom-line benefits of an ergonomics program –  Case studies on the clinical, operational and financial impact of ergonomics on caregivers and healthcare facilities


Find out more and register by clicking here and selecting Arjo MOVE.